A Respected, Accomplished Personal Injury Lawyer

Rick has also been an active writer, speaker and presenter on many legal issues, ranging from case evaluation and settlement techniques to specific injury types and wrongful death claims. He is a past president and active fellow in the North Carolina Advocates for Justice, as well as a leader and participant in many Raleigh-Durham area community organizations.
At the Law Offices of Richard S. Hunter, Jr., we think it is important to serve the community. In addition to many positions of leadership and service to law related organizations, Rick Hunter has served on the Board of Directors of the Food Bank of Wake County; he has helped the Raleigh Kiwanis Club Project at the NC State Fair to raise funds for children's shoes; he has served on the Raleigh Chamber Music Guild; he has served on the Christ Episcopal Church Sermon Committee; and he has been the Chief of his son's Indian Guides Tribe.
A Clear Commitment to Integrity and All-Out Effort for Clients
Every potential client receives a copy of attorney Rick Hunter's individual commitment to professionalism, which clearly spells out our firm’s mission of acting with respect and fairness toward everyone involved in our cases. Simply stated, people appreciate Rick Hunter and our dedicated staff’s caring, professional approach to extremely challenging legal disputes.
My Individual Commitment to Professionalism
My word is my bond. Integrity is an absolute. Fairness and civility are essential. Financial considerations will never override my professional responsibility.
To my clients, I offer loyalty, competence, diligence, and good judgment. I will represent you as I would want to be represented. I will provide timely information on all matters pertaining to your case. I will be worthy of your trust by providing vigorous advocacy, independent guidance, reasoned counseling and fair value in services performed for fees paid. I will work to achieve and maintain proficiency in my practice and continue to expand my knowledge of the law.
To the public and our profession, I offer service. I will strive to improve the law and our legal system, and to make our legal system more accessible, responsive, and effective for all. I recognize the importance of contributing my time and resources to the Bar, public service, community and civic activities. I will honor the requirements, the spirit, and the intent of the rules of professional conduct.
To my colleagues in the practice of law, I offer concern for your welfare. As we work together, I will respect your personal and family commitments. I will share my learning and experience so that we may all improve our skills and abilities.
To the courts and to those who assist them, I offer respect, candor, and courtesy. I will respect and strive to improve the judicial process. I will serve as an officer of the court, encouraging respect for the law and avoiding the abuse or misuse of the law, its procedures, its participants, and its processes.
To opposing parties and their counsel, I offer honesty, fairness, and courtesy. I will seek truth and strive to resolve our clients' disputes in a dignified manner. I will pursue the most efficient and least costly solutions to problems and avoid unnecessary delay.
Richard S. Hunter, Jr.
For Personal Injury Counsel Near Raleigh.
When you need experienced legal representation to help you in putting your life back together after a tragic event, Rick Hunter is an excellent choice. Clients say so, and other attorneys will tell you the same. To arrange a free consultation, please call us or complete and submit the simple e-mail form. We are here to serve and help you solve problems.